Nur Kumala Dewi1, Abdul Jamil2, Fisa Wisnu Wijaya3

Muhammadiyah Science and Technology University, Indonesia1,2,3

Email: [email protected]1, [email protected]2, [email protected]3


The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) is bringing major changes to various aspects of life, including the world of work. AI-driven automation and robotization is predicted to replace many jobs currently performed by humans raising concerns about the future of work, especially for the younger generation. This research aims to understand how AI will influence the world of work in the future and how character education and religious moderation can help the younger generation in facing these changes. This study used qualitative research methods. The data collection technique in this research is literature study. The data that has been collected is then analyzed in three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. . The results show the ethical, social, and educational challenges that come with the development of AI, as well as the educational strategies and policies needed to prepare the younger generation. Cross-sector collaboration is key in meeting these challenges, with governments, educational institutions, and the private sector working together to ensure that future generations have a strong foundation to face the AI era with confidence and success. Thus, the importance of concerted efforts in preparing the younger generation for an AI-influenced future in Multi Racial PD.


Keywords: Academic Information System; Website Based; robotization.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International



The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought significant transformations in various areas of life, including the world of work. AI-driven automation and robotisation are projected to replace many jobs currently performed by humans. This has resulted in significant concerns regarding the future of work, especially for the younger generation who will be entering the job market in an era dominated by AI technology. Youth refers to Indonesian citizens between the ages of 16 to 30 according to Law No. 40/2009 on Youth, having a significant role in the country's development. The existence of youth can be considered as a great potential but can also be a challenge in the development process(Alfaqi, 2016).

Data from the National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) conducted by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in March 2022, the majority of Indonesia's population falls into the youth category. In 2022, the number of Indonesians aged between 16-30 years reached around 65.82 million people or almost a quarter (24.00%) of the total population. This youth percentage has decreased by 0.79 points compared to ten years earlier (24.79%). Nevertheless, in the last three years, the percentage of youth tends to increase. In terms of age groups, the majority of Indonesian youth are distributed in the 19-24 years age group (40.10%) and the 25-30 years age group (39.56%) (Saribulan, Rassanjani, & Dahlawi, 2023).

The year 2045 will be a historic moment for Indonesia, as the country will celebrate its 100th birthday or a century. In addition, according to the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB), Indonesia will also experience a demographic bonus with 70% of its population in productive age and the remaining 30% in unproductive age. This opportunity is key for Indonesia, because if the demographic bonus can be utilised optimally, especially by increasing the productivity of the younger generation, then Indonesia's position will be stronger in the international arena. However, if the young generation does not prepare themselves well and does not have high competitiveness, the demographic bonus can even turn into a threat to the progress of the Indonesian nation (Rajani, 2023).

The rapid development of artificial intelligence also has the potential to open up new opportunities to create new jobs and increase overall productivity. The young generation, as the nation's successor is faced with a very important role in facing this era of disruption. The younger generation needs to be prepared with various relevant skills and knowledge to adapt with the changes taking place and utilise the opportunities offered by AI. Thus, by preparing the younger generation well, they will be at the forefront in facing challenges and building a brighter future in the era of artificial intelligence.

Previous research by (Farwati, Salsabila, Navira, & Sutabri, 2023) found that advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology will continue to develop to be more innovative, creative, and sophisticated, requiring humans to continue to improve their abilities in order to adapt to technological changes, especially in the field of AI. Although AI can take over some human roles in certain jobs, it cannot replace the emotional aspects that are unique to humans.

Another study by (Rachmadana, Putra, & Difinubun, 2022) found that Artificial Intelligence is a software system created by humans to analyse data and determine the best course of action to achieve certain goals. They also identified three factors that influence the use of AI by companies. Firstly, technological advancements tend to replace human jobs directly. Second, there is a need to improve workers' skills in operating AI technology. Thirdly, the implementation of AI can affect the overall productivity of the company.

The practical implication of this study is that with a better understanding of the impact of AI on future employment, relevant parties such as educational institutions, government, and industry players can better prepare the younger generation to face such changes. In addition, religious and faith institutions can also play an important role in guiding the younger generation in facing these challenges with a moderate and tolerant attitude towards change. This research aims to present an understanding of the importance of preparing the younger generation for the changes brought about by advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly in Multi Ras PD.

There was also similar research conducted by (Afandi & Kurnia, 2023), in their research entitled "Technological Revolution: The Future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its Impact on Society". The library research method or also known as the library research method is a research approach which collects and analyzes information published in the form of scientific literature, including journal articles, books, research reports, and other library research sources The conclusion is that the development of AI and its impact on society, namely, the impact on jobs and the economy, the impact on health and medical services, the impact on Ethics and Privacy, and the impact on Education.

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This research applies a qualitative approach, which is a method or research method that focuses on analysis or description. In the qualitative research process, emphasis is placed on the subject's perspective and the use of grounded theory to ensure consistency between findings in the field and existing theory (Sari et al., 2022). The case study in this research is PD Multi Ras in Jakarta. The data collection method used is a literature study, which involves searching, analysing, and synthesising information from various literature sources relevant to the research topic. The researcher searched for articles, books, scientific journals, research reports, and other literature sources related to artificial intelligence (AI), future of work, character education, and religious moderation. After the data was collected, it was analysed in three stages: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing.



A moderate young generation refers to a young age group that has the ability to find a balance between technological advancement and traditional or humane values. Using technology wisely, without being overly influenced or completely dependent on it. Able to utilise technology to increase productivity and efficiency in work while still paying attention to human aspects such as empathy, collaboration and social engagement.

Moderate young people do not just rely on technology for everything, but also value social interaction, social engagement and interpersonal relationships. They have an awareness of the impact of technology on daily life and able to take steps to maintain a balance between technology use and human needs.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the ability of machines to mimic human intelligence, including learning, problem solving, and decision making (Al-Khowarizmi & Lubis, 2023). This technology has undergone rapid development in recent decades, fuelled by advances in computing, algorithms, and the availability of big data. For example, in industry, AI is used to automate production processes and predict market demand. In healthcare, AI is used to diagnose diseases, forecast epidemic trends, and develop personalised therapies. Meanwhile, in the education sector, AI supports adaptive learning, analysing student performance and developing curriculum tailored to individual needs. As these technologies continue to evolve, AI has the potential to fundamentally change the way we work, live and interact with the world around us.

�� The development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation has significantly changed how work is done and the types of jobs available. Increasingly smart machines and automation capabilities have replaced routine tasks that require human intelligence in sectors such as manufacturing, finance and customer service. This has forced many individuals to adapt their skills to the new labour market demands, while also creating new opportunities in fields such as AI development, data analytics and information technology management. While potentially improving efficiency and productivity, these developments also pose challenges in terms of job security, economic inequality and complex social change. As such, while AI and automation open doors to innovation and progress, it is also important to be mindful of their impact on job security and the overall well-being of society.

�� In readiness for the work challenges of the artificial intelligence (AI) era, moderate young people are expected to be the bridge between AI technological advancements and human needs. They can maintain the human aspects in an increasingly automated work environment, while still utilising technology to improve efficiency and productivity.

�� Employees' understanding of and response to the use of AI technologies in company operations has been met with a mixture of interest and concern. Some see AI as a tool that enriches work with efficiency and innovation, while others feel anxious about the potential replacement of human jobs by technology. While many recognise the benefits of AI in increasing productivity, there are also concerns about the long-term impact on job stability and changing work dynamics in the future.

�� The role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in replacing routine and repetitive work has become increasingly significant with intelligent machines taking over tasks that once required human labour. This process of automation has enabled greater efficiency in sectors from manufacturing to customer service. However, along with the replacement of such routine jobs, AI has also created new opportunities for higher-skilled jobs, such as the development and maintenance of AI technologies, complex data analysis, and the design of AI-based solutions. Thus, while AI reduces the demand for routine jobs, it also provides an impetus for the development of more advanced skills and creates new jobs that combine artificial intelligence with human creativity and knowledge.

�� The process of implementing artificial intelligence (AI) technology in a company's operations involves complex strategic steps, including needs identification, selection of an appropriate AI platform, integration with existing infrastructure, and employee training. During this process, challenges encountered include aspects such as lack of understanding of AI technologies, change resistance from some employees, budget limitations, and data privacy and security concerns. However, with strong commitment from management, proper training, and effective communication, the company was able to overcome these obstacles. The benefits gained from AI implementation include increased operational efficiency, better decision-making based on more accurate data analysis, improved customer experience, and opportunities for further innovation in the business.

�� The use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has brought about significant changes in the social and organisational dynamics at PD Multi Ras. In particular, there has been a shift in job tasks where some routine and repetitive work has been outsourced to AI while employees focus more on tasks that require creativity and complex analyses. Interactions between employees have also been transformed with collaboration between teams and departments becoming more integrated through AI platforms that facilitate information exchange and project coordination. In addition, the corporate culture is also gradually changing with an increased orientation towards adaptability, continuous learning, and acceptance of technological innovation as an integral part of daily operations.

�� The challenges for the younger generation are becoming increasingly complex with the development of AI technology drastically changing the scope of work. Young people are faced with the task of preparing themselves for future jobs that may no longer rely on routine skills, but require creativity, analytical skill and mastery of technology. In addition, young people are also faced with the challenge of understanding the ethical and social implications of using AI in various spheres of life. In the face of these challenges, a holistic and inclusive approach to education and skills training relevant to the digital age are key to equipping young people to succeed in the ever-changing world of work.

�� As AI technology continues to evolve and affect various sectors, the younger generation needs to have an awareness of the importance of continuously developing new skills and adjusting to technological developments (Pare & Sihotang, 2023). Continuous learning is the foundation for updating and expanding the skills required in a dynamic work environment, whether through formal education, industrial training, or self-directed learning. With the readiness to learn continuously, the younger generation will have a competitive advantage in facing challenges and capitalising on future opportunities influenced by changes in AI technology (Suprayitno & Wahyudi, 2020).

�� In preparation for the changes by AI in the work environment, PD Multi Ras has implemented various strategies and programmes. One of the key strategies is the provision of continuous training and development to enhance employees' understanding and skills in utilising AI technology in their work. This programme includes training on basic AI concepts, the use of specialised AI platforms used within the company, and training on new skills required to collaborate with AI technologies. In addition, the company also encourages an open and collaborative learning culture, facilitating knowledge exchange between employees and promoting innovation. As such, PD Multi Ras endeavours to ensure that employees are prepared for the changes by AI and able to integrate these technologies effectively in work environment.

�� One strategy that can be utilised to prepare the younger generation for the changes by AI advancements is to strengthen STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education from an early age. By incorporating learning about basic AI concepts, computer programming, and data analysis into the school curriculum, the younger generation will have the opportunity to understand the basic principles of AI technology as well as develop the necessary technical skills. Through a strong STEM education, young people will be equipped with the necessary tools to deal with the changes influenced by AI technologies and open up career opportunities in increasingly relevant technology fields.

�� Despite the rapid development of AI, the importance of human skills such as creativity, leadership and empathy remains irreplaceable. Human creativity is required to come up with innovative solutions develop new ideas and adjust to rapid changes. Human leadership both individually and in teams provides the direction, inspiration and vision needed to steer technology towards outcomes that benefit society. Meanwhile, empathy is a human quality that cannot be replaced by AI, as the ability to understand and respond empathetically to the feelings of others plays an important role in various aspects of human life including in collaborative work environments.

The concept of collaboration between humans and AI is an important cornerstone in optimising outcomes in various work contexts. When humans and machines work together, they can complement each other's strengths and weaknesses to achieve greater efficiency and more innovative solutions. Humans provide the ideas, creativity, and wisdom needed to make complex decisions and understand social and cultural contexts, while AI provides rapid analytical capabilities, big data processing, and automation of routine tasks. By collaborating, humans can use AI technology as a tool to improve the productivity and quality of their work, while AI can learn from interactions with humans to continuously improve its performance because the processes that occur in Artificial Intelligence include learning, reasoning, and self-correction (Lubis, 2021).

Research conducted by (Dewi, 2021) with the title Decision Support System to Determine the Right Major in Higher Education Based on the Interests and Talents of Prospective Students by Applying the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) Method. The results showed that there are several studies that have utilised the AHP method. For example, in the field of decision support systems in psychology, the AHP method has been used to evaluate the performance of new employees in the recruitment process, assisting the human resources department in determining the most suitable employees for certain positions in the company. This research also illustrates how the AHP method can provide the best solution in the process of choosing a major in college, which is carried out on prospective new students at a university. However, the use of this AHP method has not utilised AI.

Research conducted by (Pratamaputra, 2023), stated in his research that AI can help overcome the lack of knowledge of the younger generation as investors in finding basic data information about the investment products they choose. Another study by (Pratama, Sari, Hj, Badwi, & Anshori, 2023). Showed that AI has changed the way human resource managers handle routine tasks. AI facilitates HR to improve the efficiency of the recruitment process, provide customised training, and project future workforce needs. The utilisation of Big Data has become a valuable source of information in supporting HR decision-making.

The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is a decision-making technique that allows a structured assessment of various criteria relevant to a problem. In recruitment, AHP can be used to evaluate various potential employees based on certain criteria such as skills, experience, and personality. The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the recruitment process can involve various technologies such as massive data analysis to determine trends in successful employee profiles, the use of machine learning algorithms to identify patterns in CVs or work history, and the use of chatbots or virtual assistants to facilitate interaction between recruiters and potential employees. By combining the AHP method with artificial intelligence, the hiring process can become more efficient and accurate in determining the most suitable employees for available positions as both have their respective advantages.

The ethical and social challenges that arise in relation to the use of AI in employment are issues that need to be resolved (Mangasak & Angelin, 2023). Questions of data privacy, transparency, and fairness in selection and promotion processes are a major concern as AI systems can provide recommendations based on data that may not be entirely objective or fair. In addition, the social impact of using AI in decision-making that affects people's lives, such as in banking or the criminal justice system, also raises questions of fairness, bias, and accountability. The importance of balancing technological advancement with ethical values and social justice is becoming increasingly urgent, while education about AI ethics and public participation in the process of developing and implementing AI technologies are key to effectively addressing these challenges.

PD Multi Ras is faced with a number of significant challenges in integrating AI with the human workforce. One of them is overcoming concerns and resistance that may arise among employees to changes in their work environment due to the use of AI. In addition, the company also needs to ensure that AI implementation not only improves operational efficiency but also values the role of humans in the larger work. But amidst these challenges, PD Multi Ras has a great opportunity to create a harmonious and productive work environment through close collaboration between humans and AI. By leveraging their respective strengths - human intelligence in creativity, problem-solving and empathy, and artificial intelligence in data analysis and automation of routine tasks - companies can optimise productivity and innovation. This will enable the creation of a dynamic and inclusive work environment, where employees feel valued, supported, and can contribute maximally in achieving the company's common goals.

The younger generation working at PD Multi Ras shows a strong understanding and positive response to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) within the company. They widely regard AI technology as an important and innovative tool that can improve efficiency and productivity in the workplace. In addition, this younger generation is actively engaged in efforts to prepare for the future changes brought about by AI. They take the initiative in attending training and development related to AI, expanding their knowledge and skills in this technology. In addition, they also engage in inter-generational collaboration, exchanging knowledge and experiences with more senior colleagues, creating an inclusive and supportive work environment at PD Multi Ras. As such, the younger generation not only embraces the changes brought about by AI, but also actively plays a role in shaping an adaptive and innovative organisational future.

Preparing the younger generation for the changes brought about by AI requires collaborative efforts from the government, educational institutions, and the private sector. Governments can play an important role in formulating policies that support the integration of AI technologies in education curriculum, providing skills training for teachers, and promoting equitable access to technology education. Educational institutions need to innovate in learning approaches, focusing on developing human skills that cannot be replaced by AI along with strengthening the understanding of the ethics and social impact of AI technologies. On the other hand, the private sector can contribute by providing job training and internship programmes and collaborating with educational institutions to ensure the relevance of the skills taught to the needs of the labour market. The importance of cross-sectoral cooperation in addressing this challenge highlights the need for open dialogue, knowledge exchange, and synergy in a joint effort to prepare the younger generation for a future influenced by AI technology development (Gusty et al., 2023).

PD Multi Ras employees demonstrated their understanding of, response to, and preparation for the changes brought about by the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the company's operations. Although some challenges were identified, such as resistance to change and concerns about the impact on jobs, the company's strategic efforts in providing training and building an inclusive work culture have enabled the integration of AI with human labour side by side. The younger generation working at PD Multi Ras has also been active in preparing for future changes, showing a willingness to learn and collaborate with more senior colleagues. As such, the company can successfully manage technological change, creating an adaptive, innovative and integrated work environment.

Thus, in the face of an era influenced by AI technology, it is important to recognise that change is inevitable. However, with proper education, religious moderation, cross-sector collaboration, and awareness of ethical and social challenges, the younger generation can be well prepared for the changes that are taking place. Through the concerted efforts of the government, educational institutions, and the private sector, we can ensure that future generations are not only prepared to face challenges, but are also able to capitalise on the opportunities created by advances in AI technology to create a more inclusive, sustainable, and progressive future.



In the face of a future influenced by advances in AI technology, the preparation of the younger generation is key to ensuring the continuity and progress of society. The challenges and opportunities faced by young people in dealing with job changes brought about by AI developments are numerous. Through holistic and inclusive education, cross-sectoral cooperation, and awareness of the social and ethical impacts of AI use, the younger generation can be well prepared to face the challenges of the future. The importance of collaboration between governments, educational institutions, and the private sector was also emphasised as it is only through joint efforts that we can ensure that future generations have the necessary skills, knowledge, and mentality to succeed and thrive in an increasingly connected and AI-driven world. Thus, with the right measures and enough awareness, the younger generation will be able to face the future with the confidence, innovation, and courage needed to create a better world for all.


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