Ririn Oktavia1, Hasnah Faizah AR2, Silvia Permatasari3
1,2,3 3 Faculty
Teacher of Education, Riau University, Indonesia
E-mail :,,
ABSTRACT We would like to
express our gratitude to the presence of God Almighty for all His mercy and
grace so that this research can be completed well. This research is entitled
“The Validity of Developing Digital Comic-Based Learning Media for Learning
to Write Short Stories in High Schools”. This research aims to determine the
results of the validity or relevance/feasibility of digital comic-based
learning media. Product validity is seen from the assessment of material
experts, language experts and media experts. This type of research Research and development which
refers to the ADDIE development model which consists of 5 steps, namely Analysis (analysis),Design (design/planning), Development
(development), Implementation (Implementation), and Evaluation(evaluation).
Data used in this researchis quantitative and qualitative data. The research
results show that the average value of the validity test calculation is 94%
for material experts, 81% for language experts and 91% for media experts.
From matter This means that digital comic-based learning media
for writing short stories is very relevant and very relevant potential to be used in the learning process, especially short
story material so that you can stimulating and improve students' short story writing abilities. Keywords: Validity;
Instructional Media; Digital Comics. |
This work
is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International |
Indonesian is learning that contains aspects of social problems associated with
learning at school, but currently learning Indonesian is considered less
important and uninteresting learning (Hariadi, 2018). In accordance with the opinion of Failasufa, et al (2022), currently learning Indonesian
is considered a lesson that is less interesting, boring, less important and
considered trivial. This happens because the material in Indonesian language
subjects mostly only contains cognitive aspects and lacks emphasis on affective
aspects. So that this can be balanced, teachers must apply learning methods
that are able to overcome difficulties in learning in Indonesian language
subjects. Teachers need to design and implement more interesting learning that
increases student creativity. Teachers can also use approaches to learning,
applying learning models that are appropriate to the learning material and
student characteristics. Apart from that, to increase interest in learning,
teachers need to use learning media as a tool to make the learning process more
interesting and arouse and build learning motivation for students in learning.
In line with the opinion of Faizah (2015), good media will also
activate students and provide responses, feedback and also encourage them to
general, learning media has an important role for students. Through interesting
and practical learning media so that the delivery of learning material can be
easier for students to
understand. Learning media is used with the aim of being able to improve the quality of learning
and education. By utilizing learning media To improve the quality of teaching and learning, the level
of motivation will be higher student learning. In line with opinion Hamalik in (Wahyuningtyas & Sulasmono, 2020) that the use of
teaching media in the teaching and learning processcan arouse desire and new
interests, as well as generating motivation for students in the learning
process teach.Learning media is one of the
learning resources that supports the learning process teach. In line
with the opinion of monotonous learning resources such as textbooks and
worksheets (Student
Worksheets) make students lazy and not interested in reading especially at the high school level who are
already familiar with digital technology, some students prefer uses developed technology to
search for data and information about learning. In line with Koni's (2016) opinion, the existence of
the internet tend to
find it easy to search for anything on the internet, this results in the emergence of a feeling of
laziness among students to read books.
the 2013 Curriculum, short story learning material in high school class The
limitations of learning media in terms of writing short stories greatly
influence the results of students' writing and the use of learning methods such
as the use of demonstration models, teachers explaining or demonstrating
directly what short stories will be written by students and teachers directing
students to first read short stories in the form of narrative with the aim of
keeping students motivated and so that students can find new ideas to write
about. However, not all students can accept and understand this method and most
students are lazy about reading short stories in narrative form (Hariadi, 2018). Therefore, some students have difficulty finding ideas or have difficulty
developing their thoughts so that the resulting short stories are not in
accordance with the learning objectives. And students do not like learning
short story texts which results in students getting low grades, in line with
the opinion of Sari (2018). The low ability of students
to write short story texts is also caused by students not enjoying learning to
write short story texts (Suwartini, Lustyantie, Suseno, Supriyati, & Falani, 2022).
there is a need to develop learning media at Technology High Schools,
especially short story writing material (Anggraini, Sumantri, Purnomo, & Anggraini, 2019);(Ananda & Rakhmawati, 2022). Developing learning media according to students' needs is no less
important for creating learning fun and improving students' quality short story
writing skills. According to opinion Khulsum, U., et al (2019) that so that students can
produce good short story writing, learning media can encourage students to be
interested and motivated to write short stories, besides that media can help
make it easier for students to understand learning to write short stories.
Writing is an effort made to express,transform as well as expressing the
author's thoughts or feelings which are conveyed indirectly to the reader.
Yeli, et al (2023) state that writing is a form
of activity to convey thoughts which is used as a reminder and as a means to
share information with other people.
technology really influences life, especially in the fields education. Teachers
can use digital-based learning media in accordance with learning process needs,
one of which is using digital-based comics. In line with the opinion of Gunawan
P, & Sujarwo (2022) stated that With progress
technology, the form of comics is increasingly modern in digital form so that
they can be read without limited by time and place with mobile phones. The
digital comics in this research were designed to increase students' creative
and innovative ideas. The digital comics in this study contain regarding short
story material presented by presenting images/characters and plot comic stories
that suit students' needs, so that students will get visualization and can
understand short story material from the content of the story and can stimulate
students deeply matters of writing short stories so that students can write
short stories that are creative, innovative and in accordance with learning
objectives. In line with the opinion of Rusmaini (2023) said that comic-based teaching materials can
create student interest and make them more effective learning process,
increasing interest in learning and generating interest in student
appreciation. Digital comics are technology-based learning media so that
students can read comics on Cellphone or gadget each. In this way there are
more students interested in reading the short story and students can repeat the
learning at home and at any time.
on the backgroundon, researchers create and design media digital comic-based
learning to improve short story writing skills with the aim of getting
itstimulating and improve students' short story writing results. The aim of
this research is to determine the validity or suitability of learning media
based on digital comics for writing short stories in high school.
research is a model or type Research and Development (R&D). Sugiyono (2017) said that research and
development is a research method that has the aim of producing a product and
testing the feasibility of that product. This research produces digital
comic-based learning media which contains short story material to improve short
story writing skills at high school level.
learning media that has been developed is then reviewed and assessed by
validators using 3 aspects, namely: material, language and media. In accordance
with the opinion that the validity of learning media is obtained from the
responses of expert validators in their field. The results of the data obtained
were in the form of percentages and then analyzed using quantitative
descriptive methods by comparing the scores of the data results from all
validators with the category scores. Validation assessment uses scale
calculation slikert as in Table 1 below:
Table 1. Likert
Assessment |
scale |
Invalid |
1 |
Valid |
2 |
Valid |
3 |
Valid |
4 |
Very Valid |
5 |
(Riduan and Sunarto, 2015)
obtaining the value, the value is then converted into percent by using the
percentage formula and measured by category because it is interval data, with
the following formula:
Scores obtained from research
Scores ideal for all items
After obtaining data in the form of
percentages which are used to determine the suitability of the learning media
being developed then the data is interpreted on a percent scale as follows:
Table 2. Scale
Level |
Category |
0% - 20% |
Very Invalid |
20,1% - 40% |
Less Valid |
40,1% - 60% |
Fairly Good Valid |
60,1% - 80% |
Valid |
80,1% - 100% |
Very Valid |
& Sunarto, 2015)
research results are based on the ADDIE research model, but only reach the
development stage (Development) which can be described as follows:
1. Analysis Stage (Analysis)
analysis stage aims to identify problems faced by students in the learning
process. The analysis carried out was interviews with Indonesian language
subject teachers (problem analysis), curriculum and distribution of
questionnaires to students (needs analysis) which showed that learning short
story material had never used digital comic media, only used Student Worksheets
and printed books and needed development or renewal of learning media. The
results of the questionnaire distribution can be summarized as follows:
Table 3. Recapitulation
of Material Needs Analysis Questionnaire Results
No |
Statement |
Rate-rate |
Percentage |
8. |
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7
Q8 |
3,35 |
57 |
Rate-rate |
3,28 |
65 |
Category |
Need |
4. Recapitulation of Method/Media Needs Analysis Questionnaire
No |
Statement |
Rate-rate |
Percentage |
4. |
P9 P10 P11 P12 |
4,65 |
93 |
Rate-rate |
3,27 |
65 |
Category |
Need |
Table 5. Recapitulation
of Evaluation Needs Analysis Questionnaire Results
No |
Statement |
Rate-rate |
Percentage |
4. |
P16 |
4,42 |
88 |
Rate-rate |
3,62 |
75 |
Need |
2. Planning Level (Design)
carrying out the analysis stage, the next stageis design stage. In preparing
the development of digital comic-based learning media, it is structured into 3
parts, namely:
a) Initial Part
This initial part consists of the
cover, foreword, introduction, and character introduction
b) Contents Section
This section contains the
presentation of the material presented in digital comic-based learning media
c) Closing Section
This section contains instructions
for students to write short story texts and invitations for students to share
information related to short story text material.
3. Development
Stage (Development)
stage consists of product creation stages which can be described as follows: 1.
Creating Digital Comic Based Learning Media
a) Using the application Storyboard
In developing digital comic learning
media, researchers used an application storyboard online
for selecting comic story backgrounds and selecting comic characters.
1 Initial View Storyboard
b) Background selection
choice of story background in digital comic learning media for writing short
stories is in accordance with the storyline that has been designed by
Figure 2. Story
background selection display
Selection of Comic Characters
On the app storyboard There are many choices of characters,
researchers choose characters according to the story that has been designed.
The selected character is then adjusted to his expression, gestures, clothing
and skin color by clicking a buttonediting/edit
pose, then click save image.
3. Character Selection Display
Arrange the pictures according to the panel
After the image from the application storyboard saved, then the researcher used the
Canva application to arrange the images according to the panels and storyline
of the comic.
Figure 4 Drafting
Image According to Panel
e) Insert
conversation text balloons
If the image has been arranged, then
add conversation text balloons according to the character's expression and
according to the dialogue that has been designed.
Figure 5 Display of Added Narration and Dialogue
f) Save as in PDF format
The next step after all the images
and conversation text are neatly arranged is to save the comic in PDF format.
Figure 6 Display of Saving Digital Comics
Comics converted to form Flipbook Online
Comics that are still in PDF form
will be converted into digital comics flipbook with the
help of the web Heyzine Flipbook
Online. With the aim that the link from Heyzine online flipbook can be shared
with teachers and students.
7 Display Conversion to Shape flipbook
Product Validation
validation aims to determine and evaluate the development of digital
comic-based learning media for writing short stories in accordance with the
objectives to be achieved. In this research validation was carried out by 3
validators, namely material validator, language validator and media validator.
The experts who are validators in this research are as follows:
Table 6.
Name of Expert Validator
No. |
Validation |
Validation |
Institutional Origin |
Eflina Wirdarnis, S.Pd. |
Expert |
Pekanbaru Technology High School |
Charlina M, Hum. |
Linguist |
University |
Zariul Antosa, M.Sn. |
of the Media |
University |
The evaluation results from expert
validators are displayed in detail under This :
Table 7. Expert Validation Results
No. |
Member Validator |
Percentage |
Category |
Expert |
Valid |
Linguist |
Valid |
of the Media |
Valid |
Diagram 1. Expert
Validation Results
the results above, it can be obtained that the validity of the product is aimed
at knowing the relevance of learning media to learning material (Zahwa, et al.,
2021). The validity of digital comic learning media was obtained from
assessments carried out by three experts, consisting of an Indonesian language
teacher at Pekanbaru Technology High School and two lecturers FacultyTeaching
and Riau Universit
Education Sciences. Riduan and Sunarto (2015) say that the experts'
validation assessment is divided into 5, namely: value range 0%-20% very
invalid category, value range 20.1%-40% less valid category, value range
40.1%-60% categorized as quite valid, value range 60.1%-80% categorized as
valid, value range 80.1%-100% is categorized as very valid/feasible. In this
research, the assessment was carried out using uses a rating scale of one to
five for each statement.
expert assessment provided by Mrs. EflinaWidarnis, S.Pd., the final average score
for the material aspect assessment was obtained with an average of 4.7 and a
percentage of 94% in the very valid/feasible category.Linguist assessment given
by Mrs. Dr. Charlina M.Hum., obtained an average score of 4.06 with a
percentage of 81% in the very valid/feasible category. Media expert assessment
given by Mr. Dr. Zariul Antosa, M.Sn., obtained an average score of 4.55 with a
percentage of 91% in the very valid/feasible category.
research has produced digital comic-based learning media for wrote short
stories in High School. Developed learning media has been declared valid after
being validated by 3 validators, namely the material expert validator, language
and media. With the average results obtained from the three validators, namely
4.4 with a percentage of 89% is categorized as very valid/feasible. This shows
that the media digital comic-based learning for writing short stories in high
school quality and very suitable for use by students in the learning process
for stimulating and improve the results of students' short story writing
abilities.The advice the author gives in this research is that further trials
are needed to develop this learning media in order to get more optimal results.
There needs to be follow-up by future researchers so that in developing
learning media, complete security measures are built into the media for user
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